Filter data
- PeriodFlowMeasure typeSITC CodeCountryRegionNet MassMonetary ValueUnit of Measure
- 2013-Q1Non-EU ImportsMonetary ValueLive animals other than animals of division 03FranceE120000071293.0GBP
- 2013-Q1Non-EU ImportsMonetary ValueLive animals other than animals of division 03FranceE12000001245071.0GBP
- 2013-Q1Non-EU ImportsMonetary ValueLive animals other than animals of division 03FranceE120000063408653.0GBP
- 2013-Q1Non-EU ImportsMonetary ValueLive animals other than animals of division 03FranceE12000002666937.0GBP
- 2013-Q1Non-EU ImportsMonetary ValueLive animals other than animals of division 03FranceE12000003239003.0GBP
- 2013-Q1Non-EU ImportsMonetary ValueLive animals other than animals of division 03FranceS920000033349.0GBP
- 2013-Q1Non-EU ImportsMonetary ValueLive animals other than animals of division 03FranceE120000047898.0GBP
- 2013-Q1Non-EU ImportsMonetary ValueLive animals other than animals of division 03FranceE120000051216.0GBP
- 2013-Q1Non-EU ImportsMonetary ValueLive animals other than animals of division 03FranceUnallocated (Known)1649.0GBP
- 2013-Q1Non-EU ImportsMonetary ValueLive animals other than animals of division 03FranceN920000023.0GBP
- 2013-Q1Non-EU ImportsMonetary ValueLive animals other than animals of division 03FranceW920000046965.0GBP
- 2013-Q1Non-EU ImportsMonetary ValueLive animals other than animals of division 03FranceE12000009130849.0GBP