
Net additions to the housing stock (Northern Ireland)

Net additions to the dwelling stock (including new builds, conversions, changes of use, other gains/losses and offset by demolitions) per 1,000 stock, Northern Ireland, financial years 2012/13 to 2023/24.


Net additions to the housing stock (Northern Ireland)


This dataset shows the net additions to the dwelling stock (including new builds, conversions, changes of use, other gains/losses and offset by demolitions) per 1,000 stock, in Northern Ireland, for financial years 2012/13 to 2023/24.


Northern Ireland

Geography definition

Local Government Districts, Nation (Northern Ireland)


Source Notes and Caveats

In line with The Rates (Northern Ireland) Order 1977, Housing Stock is defined as a count of properties which are valued as domestic or mixed for the purposes of rating. This refers to properties in the Valuation List which are used for the purposes of a private dwelling. This excludes caravans, domestic garages, domestic stores and car parking spaces.

Private refers to a self-contained dwelling and not the ownership or build type of the dwelling. Housing Stock includes both social sector and private sector dwellings in the Valuation List.

Figures produced by each UK nation may differ due to differing sources, time periods, age analysed or differences in methodologies so they are not directly comparable.