
Apprenticeships starts and achievements (Scotland)

Modern apprenticeships started and achieved by adults aged 16+ based on home address, rate per 100,000 population, Scotland, financial years 2013/14 to 2023/24.


Apprenticeships starts and achievements (Scotland)


This dataset shows modern apprenticeships started and achieved by adults aged 16+ based on home address, rate per 100,000 population, in Scotland, for financial years 2013/14 to 2023/24.



Geography definition

Council Areas, Nation (Scotland)


Source Notes and Caveats

  • Geography is based upon the home postcode of the learner.
  • The Scotland population time series data is used to create a rate per 100,000 population and are currently available for the years up to mid-2021. It is standard procedure to revise the annual population estimates once new census data becomes available. The population estimates for mid-2022 will be added to the time series, alongside revised figures for mid-2011 to mid-2021, later in 2024.
  • Figures produced by each UK nation may differ due to differing sources, time periods, age analysed or differences in methodologies so they are not directly comparable.