
Modelled unemployment rate

Modelled unemployment rate for economically active people aged 16 years and over, Great Britain, 2004 to 2023.


Modelled unemployment rate


This dataset shows model-based estimates for the proportion of economically active people aged 16 years and over without a job who have been actively seeking work within the last four weeks and are available to start work within the next two weeks, in Great Britain, for periods 2004 to 2023.


GB (England, Wales and Scotland)

Geography definition

Local Authority Districts and Unitary Authorities, Combined Authorities, Regions, Nations (England, Wales, Scotland), Countries (GB, England and Wales)


Data is also available on NOMIS

Source Notes and Caveats

Unemployment rates are calculated as a percentage of aged 16 years and over economically active population.

As unemployed form a small percentage of the population, the Annual Population Survey (APS) unemployment estimates within local authorities are based on very small samples so for many areas are unreliable. To overcome this model-based estimates have been developed that provide better estimates of total unemployed for local authorities.

The model-based estimate improves on the APS estimate by borrowing strength from the claimant count to produce an estimate that is more precise i.e. has a smaller confidence interval. The claimant count is not itself a measure of unemployment but is strongly correlated with unemployment, and, as it is an administrative count, is known without sampling error. The gain in precision is greatest for areas with smaller sample sizes.

Refer to the user guide (pdf) for further details.

How to read time intervals in ISO8601 format

This dataset uses custom time intervals format for periods, YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00/PnI, where P tells that this is period; n is the number of intervals and I is interval type which can be Y(year), M(month), W(week), D(day). For example, from April 2019 to March 2022 is represented as 2019-04-01T00:00:00/P3Y, which can be read as '3 years period starts from 1st of April 2019 and ends on 31st March 2022'. For more instructions on how to read this, please visit Time intervals on Wikipedia.