
Individual country data (goods) on a monthly basis from January 1998 to April 2018

Exports and imports goods data by individual country for UK trade in goods.

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  1. PeriodFlowMeasure typeGeographyGBP TotalUnit of Measure
  2. 1998ExportsGBP TotalAndorra14.0GBP Million
  3. 1998ExportsGBP TotalAnguilla6.0GBP Million
  4. 1998ExportsGBP TotalAngola41.0GBP Million
  5. 1998ExportsGBP TotalAlgeria110.0GBP Million
  6. 1998ExportsGBP TotalAustralia2204.0GBP Million
  7. 1998ExportsGBP TotalArmenia3.0GBP Million
  8. 1998ExportsGBP TotalAfghanistan12.0GBP Million
  9. 1998ExportsGBP TotalAruba58.0GBP Million
  10. 1998ExportsGBP TotalAntigua & Barbuda26.0GBP Million
  11. 1998ExportsGBP TotalArgentina465.0GBP Million
  12. 1998ExportsGBP TotalAustria1191.0GBP Million
  13. 1998ExportsGBP TotalAlbania9.0GBP Million

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