
Homicide offences

Rate of homicide offences per million population, England, Wales and Northern Ireland, three-year rolling periods 04/2012-03/2015 to 04/2020-03/2023.


Homicide offences


This dataset shows the rate of homicide offences per million population, in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, for three-year rolling periods 04/2012-03/2015 to 04/2020-03/2023.


England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Geography definition

Regions, Police Force Area, Nations (England, Wales, Northern Ireland), Country (England and Wales)


Source Notes and Caveats

  • England and Wales data has been extracted from the Home Office Homicide Index, which contains detailed record-level information about each homicide recorded by police in England and Wales. This index is continually updated with revised information from the police as investigations continue and as cases are heard by the courts. The data refer to the position as at 12 December 2023 and will change as subsequent court hearings take place or as further information is received. In contrast, the Northern Ireland homicide figures represent those initially recorded as homicide, with no revisions based on further police or court decisions.
  • Northern Ireland statistics on police recorded crime are collated and produced by statisticians seconded to the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) from the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA). They are recorded in compliance with the Home Office Counting Rules and further details of recording practices are available in the User Guide to Police Recorded Crime Statistics.
  • Mid-year population estimates covering the years 2013 to 2021 have been used to create rate per milion population. The mid-year estimate in the middle of the three-year period was used, for example the period 04/2020 to 03/2023 used 2021 mid-year population estimates.
  • Some of this data has been aggregated and may show differences to other published figures.

How to read time intervals in ISO8601 format

This dataset uses custom time intervals format for periods, YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00/PnI, where P tells that this is period; n is the number of intervals and I is interval type which can be Y(year), M(month), W(week), D(day). For example, from April 2019 to March 2022 is represented as 2019-04-01T00:00:00/P3Y, which can be read as '3 years period starts from 1st of April 2019 and ends on 31st March 2022'. For more instructions on how to read this, please visit Time intervals on Wikipedia.