
Apprenticeships starts and achievements (England)

Apprenticeships started and achieved by adults aged 16+ based on home address, rate per 100,000 population, England, academic years 2018/19 to 2023/24


Apprenticeships starts and achievements (England)


This dataset shows apprenticeships started and achieved by adults aged 16+ based on home address, rate per 100,000 population, in England, for full academic years 2018/19 to 2023/24.



Geography definition

Local Authority Districts and Unitary Authorities, Counties, Regions, Combined Authorities, Nation (England)


Source Notes and Caveats

  • Starts are the count of apprenticeships started at any point during the stated academic period. Learners starting more than one apprenticeship will appear more than once.
  • Achievements are the count of apprenticeships achieved at any point during the stated academic period. Learners achieving more than one apprenticeship will appear more than once.
  • Geography is based upon the home postcode of the learner.
  • Figures for all academic years cover the twelve months (Aug to Jul) and are final full year figures.
  • Figures produced by each UK nation may differ due to differing sources, time periods, age analysed or differences in methodologies so they are not directly comparable.

How to read time intervals in ISO8601 format

This dataset uses custom time intervals format for periods, YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00/PnI, where P tells that this is period; n is the number of intervals and I is interval type which can be Y(year), M(month), W(week), D(day). For example, from April 2019 to March 2022 is represented as 2019-04-01T00:00:00/P3Y, which can be read as '3 years period starts from 1st of April 2019 and ends on 31st March 2022'. For more instructions on how to read this, please visit Time intervals on Wikipedia.