
Annual Business Survey exporters and importers - Business count

Exporters and importers of goods and services in Great Britain by employment size, turnover size, ownership and age.

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  1. Country of OwnershipBusiness ActivityTrade GroupYearAge of BusinessMeasure typeTurnoverSize of Business by Number of EmployeesCountUnit of Measure
  2. AllImportersGoods and Services2018AllCountAll174300Businesses
  3. AllExportersGoods and Services2018AllCountAll2 to 993300Businesses
  4. AllExportersGoods and Services2018AllCountAll10 to 1924700Businesses
  5. AllImportersGoods and Services2018AllCountAll2 to 9103600Businesses
  6. AllAllGoods and Services2018AllCountAll11100700Businesses
  7. AllAllGoods and Services2018AllCountAll10 to 19138900Businesses
  8. AllImportersGoods and Services2018AllCountAll10 to 1928200Businesses
  9. AllExporter and/or ImporterGoods and Services2018AllCountAll2 to 9143900Businesses
  10. AllAllGoods and Services2018AllCountAll2 to 91066500Businesses
  11. AllExportersGoods and Services2018AllCountAll183900Businesses
  12. AllExporter and ImporterGoods and Services2018AllCountAll2 to 953000Businesses
  13. AllExporter and ImporterGoods and Services2018AllCountAll140400Businesses

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